What novel of yours featured a man-eating pig-like creature that lived in a sewer and was most likely written in the late 1980s? — Reader #1892917
Wow. Here’s an interesting question from Reader #1892917. What novel of mine featured a man-eating pig-like creature that lived in a sewer and was most likely written in the late 1980s? If I had ever done drugs, which I never have, this sounds like a book I would have written while totally stoned on some chemical that not only disoriented the mind but reduced the IQ by fifty points. I suppose if I have multiple personalities unknown to me, one of them might have written such a novel, but then I think I would have known it was happening because all the pig research done by that other me would have left the office reeking every time I came to work in my Dean persona. Sorry, but I think the novel you’re remembering was written by someone else, possibly William Faulkner or Henry James. By the way, I have met #1892917’s multiple personalities–#1892917A and #1892917B, and they were really nice people.