AI explorations with a side of caramel-chocolate pudding

AI explorations with a side of caramel-chocolate pudding

I love writing, but it can be exhausting. So many decisions need to be made every day. Who should be the lead of the new book? A naive young plumber…

The Forest of Lost Souls, available this September

The Forest of Lost Souls, available this September

After last month’s disquisition on the danger posed to the Koontz family by mountain lions, I had hoped that our community board…

Mountain lion sightings and hopes for my May newsletter

Mountain lion sightings and hopes for my May newsletter

I have no patience for people who complain about rabbits eating their flowers and moles undermining their lawns and snails doing …

A delightful and compelling story that nearly everyone loves

A delightful and compelling story that nearly everyone loves

Last month, Mr. K’s desk asserted its authority and wrote the newsletter, which is Desk’s right because, after all, this publication is titled…

A new novel and newsletter from the Desk of Dean

A new novel and newsletter from the Desk of Dean

This newsletter is actually from me, the desk of Dean—or DOD, as I am referred to with respect and awe by other furniture in this residence.

A little news that might please you

A little news that might please you

Welcome to 2024, the Year of the Potato Peeler. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you didn’t read last month’s newsletter.

2024: My new book and the Year of the Potato Peeler

2024: My new book and the Year of the Potato Peeler

So here we are in the month of Christmas and Hanukkah, with the new year coming soon. In the Chinese calendar, 2024 is…

Wishing you a joyful Thanksgiving

Wishing you a joyful Thanksgiving

It’s the month of Thanksgiving, and I am thankful that you are out there. Yes, I know that some of you consider yourself not to be “out there” …

Nostalgic Reflections & A Fall Treat for Prime Members

Nostalgic Reflections & A Fall Treat for Prime Members

Recently I have been afflicted with nostalgia, which sounds like a nerve disease but is not. The dictionary would have us believe that nostalgia is …

An amusing subject line for an amusing newsletter

An amusing subject line for an amusing newsletter

Well, here I am again, trying to write a monthly newsletter that is amusing, because if it’s not amusing, you won’t read it …

My new novel, After Death, is here!

My new novel, After Death, is here!

I heard some fool on TV, in the course of predicting the weather, say that we were in “the dog days of summer,” and he made it clear…

July brings my birthday and my new novel

July brings my birthday and my new novel

I was born in July. I remember telling the physician who attended my birth that I was going to be a male model and therefore needed to…

The most disturbing villain I’ve written in a while

The most disturbing villain I’ve written in a while

June, moon, spoon. If you are of a younger generation, June and moon have no logical connection to spoon, because neither the month of June…

Koontz readers are better looking and better smelling

Koontz readers are better looking and better smelling

I’ve been assaulting you with these posts for a few years now, and none of you has complained. Consequently, in order to take maximum …

A letter to, and inspired by you, my dear readers

A letter to, and inspired by you, my dear readers

If you had nothing better to do than read these posts each month, you know I don’t hard sell my books. I don’t soft sell them either.

Grandma Pearl at the Bureau of Excuse Making

Grandma Pearl at the Bureau of Excuse Making

I am so happy that we are in a 31-day month. That 28-day month we just passed through totally wrecked my writing schedule.

Now Available – The House at the End of the World

Now Available – The House at the End of the World

Here we are in February, the most romantic month of the year, when we present flowers, candy, and jewelry to our significant others.

New year, new book. Pre-order today!

New year, new book. Pre-order today!

What a thrilling New Year’s Eve I had here in southern California! I took a selfie of me and Miss Elsa. Miss Elsa took a selfie of …

The best way to express love and good cheer

The best way to express love and good cheer

December! This is the happiest time of the year but also more dangerous than most people realize. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire …

The Other Emily: Prime members read for free, for a limited time

The Other Emily: Prime members read for free, for a limited time

Daylight Saving Time ended this month, and everyone was excited about gaining an hour. Some used it to take a 60-minute vacation…


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